Monday, May 6, 2024

What is issue with Schema.getGlobalDescribe() and how to handle it?


Schema.getGlobalDescribe() is one of the costliest method in apex in term of CPU time. It gives schema of entire org. In most of orgs we have many standard and custom objects along with objects from app exchange packages. 

We generally use this method to make apex code dynamic. For example if we want to build custom apex tool like workbench which can query any object and any fields selected by user.

Most of time we use this method in Look to make sure the we find right object/Field in map. 

This put lot to load on backend CPUs and we may hit governor limit or page becomes very slow. 

To address this issue we should use Salesforce Platform Cache & Single turn pattern in apex.

Here we will call Schema.getGlobalDescribe() only once and store this in cache.

Next time whenever we need this data again we will refer it from platform cache. 

Here is sample code for your reference. 

public static Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> myGlobalDescribe() {
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd=(Map<String, Schema.SObjectType>)Cache.Org.get('local.Schema.globalDescribe');
            gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
            Cache.Org.put('local.Schema.globalDescribe', gd);
            system.debug('Cache set');
        return gd;

Benefits of this approach
getGlobalDescribe() is invoked only once 
- If Org cache is empty it automatically call load schema by calling getGlobalDescribe() only once 

Friday, May 17, 2019

My session On Identity Flows + Q&A

My session On Identity Flows @ Apexhours :

Here are answer of few Questions we were not able to talk about.

From  Ybandopantpatil : What is IDP org and SP Org?
Atul: IDP stands for Identity Provider. IDP manages the identity of users & their access rights. Some of example of IDPs are Active Directory,  Ping Identity, And Salesforce (Check the demo again).
SP is Service provider. Service provider provide some useful service to user and they do not manage users. SP relies on IDP to manage users. When IDP authenticate user, SP trust on IDP and do not ask for login credentials again.

From  Jason : is each users Fed ID set manually like you did in the demo or would that be set via automation in a production setup?
Atul: Federation Id can be set manually as well automatically. In demo we set it up manually for simplicity. There is another aspect of provisioning where we create user on first login.
In this case we can set Federation Id automatically. As Tejas mentioned in his answer it can be set via data loader(or API) as well.

From  PK   : can you ask him to speak on various oauth flows
Atul: Sure. There are 8 oAuth flows in salesforce. User Agent, Web Server, JWT, Device, Asset, SAML Bearer, SAML Assertion & User Name Password flow
Each of these have specific purpose. Please find more details at :

From  SwatiSharma : In connected app when we use Enable Oauth setting as for current demo he used Enable SAML ?
Atul: Yes, That is right. Salesforce connected app allows you to work with the SAML & oAuth. The choice is made based on what SP is supporting. Majority of IDP support both SAML & oAuth so that maximum number of SP can be used with them.

From  Narayana : I am beginner of salesforce can you suggestion what is best way to learn?
I think trailhead is best way to start. Pick a topic of your interest and just get started with your trailhead journey.

From  bharath kumar : If we enable login with google how do we manage it for multiple users i.e how do we get consumer key and secret for every user?
Atul: We need to setup trust only once between Salesforce and google. Once that is done all google users can login into your system as well as they are mapped with salesforce user. I used custom field to store google id on user but you can do it as per your need or even use Federation Id.

From  Harshal: if any new user login then how profile assign?
Atul: We have registration handler for this. Every time user logs in registration handler is executed. We can write our business logic in registration handler and setup users as per our needs. i.e. Assign profiles, give permissions and etc.

From  Saksham Mahendru : Hi.. In case Google SSO.. If any user is deactivated from G-suite, will Social SSO take case of auto deactivating salesforce user as well. Is there any setting for that..? Similarly for user creation.?

Atul:Once the user id deactivated in IDP (Google in our case) no application that only trust IDP will be able allow login to deactivated user. If you are managing Identity at SP level (this is not standard practice as it defies the purpose of SSO) the you will need to take extra effort to sync user between two system via using APIs.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Guide to pass any of salesforce certification

1.       Hard work not intelligence-  Even if someone is great developer and possess excellent technical skills, we cannot surly tell whether that person will be able to clear the exam or not. But if you are ready to do hard work then we can surly predict that you will be able to clear any salesforce certification.
2.       Read the question properly- Take effort to read the questions and all option properly. Many question are phrased in complex way and re-reading questions will help you to understand the question properly. Pay attention to NOT as it changes the meaning of question.
3.       Use rejection and sorting technique- When you are not sure about answer then you can use this technique. Here you remove the answer which are very irreverent and then you sort then in the context on question and then select the right option. There is no negative marking, So make sure you answer all questions even if you don’t know the answer.
4.       Trailhead modules & Salesforce training Videos -  This is really good training material. You should complete respective module to get through understanding about the topics mentioned in exam guide.
5.       Take notes: When you go through dumps take notes of questions where you got wrong answers. Try those activates in your Dev org. Think through it many times.

Helpful Links:
·         Http://  - (I know .. you know .. but still just for the sake of completeness :P )

All the best!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trickle Data Load

Problem statement: The enterprise needs to load millions of rows form legacy Salesforce CRM to new Salesforce CRM. While IT team continue data migration activity other business units must be able to use system for day to day operations. For example, resolving customer issues, responding queries, marketing activity and so on. Salesforce multitenant architecture with verity of APIs (Bulk /SOAP/Rest) handle this very well with very few exceptions.  

The particular problem that I want to highlight global search. When we bulk load data it affects global search indexing. Global search work asynchronously but gives a feel of near real time. But what we have to load is billions of rows. When we load high volumes of data if make the global search unusable as the indexing is not complete. In our test it took whole week for global search to work properly. CSR users were not very happy about it and they break various SAL due to this.

The approach is load data as slowly as possible. If you load relatively less records (say 5k or less) the global search is available in the matter of seconds (for me, it was less than 30 seconds). So, instead of loading data in bulk we choose to load data in “Trickle Load” fashion. In a way it’s exactly opposite of bulk data loading. In Bulk data loading we upload all data and periodically keep checking the status. In Trickle load we load small chunk and wait for salesforce to finish updating global indexes. After some time, we submit again another chunk and this can go on and on till we finish.
If you think of this in a way, it’s just tread of between limits.

How to Trickle Load huge data?

1.   Split large CSV file of data into batches of 5k (php code is provided at the bottom)
2.   Trigger job of data loading at every 5 minutes to insert one batch file
3.   The easiest way for me was using data loader CLI to run from command prompt

Things to keep in mind:
·     With this approach we can load max 1,440,000 records per 24 hours (5k * (24* 12(batches per hour)))
·     As the wait time increase you will notice less problem of jamming the global search indexes. As the wait time reduced you will notice more the problem of jamming the global search indexes
·     Higher API consumption can be result with this approach.
·     We consider to wait for 5 minutes but you can choose another number as per your ability to wait after jamming problem.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tricky Things

1) Two restated list on standard page.

2) For loop with inline query

3) Detail object will always trigger master trigger -  avoid data scew

4) Join report can be used to show data from tree like Data model

5) Make record read only conditionally - workflow - change record type-> new record type should have page layout that is read only    

Data Migration - Field Mapping

This field mapping may help you for data migration project.

Salesforce Type H2MySQL Oracle PostgreSQLSQL/Server

Monday, September 12, 2016

Passed Salesforce Certified Integration Architecture Designer

I cleared Salesforce Certified Integration Architecture Designer exam on 9 Sept 2016.

Here are my notes those may help you to prepare and give you some idea on what to expect.

Important Topics:

  1. SOAP API - partner WSDL VS enterprise WSDL
  2. REST API 
  3. Outbound messaging with all limitations and pro and corns 
  4. There was question about email service which was not mentioned in study guide 
  5. Data Loader 
  6. ETL tools pro and cons 
  7. Governor limits 
  8. Security 
  9. Other APIs metadata, chatter, stemming, bulk 

Other notes 
  • Almost 70% questions were scenario based 
  • It took me 89 minuets to complete then exam and did not got any time for review 
  • I know the above points so i followed do it once and do it right principal
  • There was only one question on  Enterprise Integration Patterns - The Book and to be very frank, i just read the title of it. As its too much to read. if you are like me then may be you can just brush through it and focus on rest of important topics 
  • Many times you will feel that all options are correct 
  • Follow elimination technique to reduce your choices 
Please don't ask for any sample questions. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask in comment and i will get back to you.

All the best!